July 2022 - On the Myth of Psychotherapy - Mind, Mental Health, and Epistemic Injustice, University of Nottingham
May 2021 - Austerity and Illusion - New Issues in Relationalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison
April 2021 - Naive Realism and Ways of Perceiving - Online Colloquia in Philosophy of Perception, Yale-NUS College
December 2019 - Naive Realism and Fundamental Kinds - University of Nottingham
November 2019 - Austerity and Illusion - University of Stirling
November 2019 - Austerity and Illusion - Birkbeck, University of London
July 2019 - Austerity and Illusion - Universitas 21 Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Nottingham
May 2019 - Austerity and Illusion - Workshop on the Philosophy of Perception
May 2019 - Austerity and Illusion - Royal Institute of Philosophy Seminar, University of Southampton
August 2018 - Austerity and Illusion - London Mind Group, UCL
February 2018 - What is it really like to be a bat? - The Forum, LSE
February 2018 - Naive Realism & Diaphaneity - The Aristotelian Society
October 2017 - Ordinary and Scientific Conceptions of Perception: Resolving a Conflict Problem - Perception and the Brain, St Hilda’s College, Oxford
September 2017 - How Naive Realism Can Explain Both the Particularity and the Generality of Experience - Particularity of Perception Workshop, University of Glasgow
May 2017 - Sense-Data and the Argument from Illusion: Lessons from Snowdon - Royal Institute of Philosophy Seminar, University of Nottingham
April 2017 - Sense-Data and the Argument from Illusion: Lessons from Snowdon - Workshop of Sense-Data, University of Glasgow
October 2016 - Naive Realism, Standpoint, and Diaphaneity - BPPA Event on Naive Realism, University of Warwick
September 2016 - Austerity and Illusion - SPIN Workshop, University of Durham
June 2016 - Epistemological Disjunctivism and the Representational Commitment - Perception and Evidence Workshop, University of Luxembourg
June 2016 - Relationalism and Structural Features of Experience - Workshop on Matt Soteriou’s The Mind’s Construction, University of Manchester
April 2016 - Balint’s Syndrome, Object Seeing and Spatial Perception - Philosophy of Science, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik
December 2015 - Balint’s Syndrome and the Structure of Experience - Research Seminar, University of Durham
November 2015 - On the Argument From Illusion - Research Seminar, University of York
September 2015 - The Identity Theory - Sixth Form Philosophy Teacher’s Event, Philosophy Faculty, University of Cambridge
September 2015 - Do we perceive the world? - Open Day, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge
July 2015 - Do we perceive the world? - Sutton Trust Lecture, University of Cambridge
July 2015 - Immateriality and the Argument from Illusion - Immateriality, Thinking and the Self in the Long Middle Ages, University of Cambridge
June 2015 - Snowdon on the Argument from Illusion - At the Speed of Thought, University College London, Department of Philosophy
March 2015 - Knowledge - Access Talk for HE+ at The Kings of Wessex Academy
March 2015 - Balint’s Syndrome and the Structure of Visual Experience - xRethinking the Senses, Warwick University
February 2015 - The Argument From Illusion - Senior Seminar, University of Glasgow, Department of Philosophy